TEAM TRUMP NOIR, noir portraits of Donald Trump and his crew of malcontents, sleazbags and outright available on Amazon dot com....
Donald Trump
"I have the best words....a very high IQ....and I'm rich....really rich"....
Mike Pence
"Hard Right Born Again Christian...a grown man who calls his elderly wife 'Mother'"
"Ambitious immigrant from tiny Slovenia who came to America to marry a billionaire....A pystery wrapped in an enigma"....

Roger Stone
"Donald Trump's Dirty Tricks and Black Bag Specialist"....
"The Princess"....
Brett Kavanaugh
"An entitled preppie who went to all the right schools, who made his mark teaming up with Ken Starr to investigate the inside of Bill Clinton's underwear and crotch"....
Mike Pompeo
"Trump Secretary of State....hardcore evangelical Christian and Islamaphobe....likes to give speeches telling audience Radical Muslims want 'to wipe out Christians from the face of the Earth', that Christians need to pray, fight and understand that 'Jesus Christ Our Saviour is the only solution for our world'".....
Alex Jones
"Right-wing Infowars Crazy Man and Conspiracy Theorist...Where Donald gets his nuttiest material"....
Roy Cohn
"A leftover from the McCarthy Era, he became Donald Trump's early Mentor, Consigliere and Role Model"....
Steve Bannon
"Ex-Breitbart Boss, Alt Right Leader, Anti-Immigrant Extremist and Faux Populist"....
KellyAnne Conway
"The Mouth"....
Ben Carson
"Trump's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development....a post for which he has no preparation, knowledge or actual interest....A brain Surgeon without a brain".....
Corey Lewandowski
"Early Campaign Manager for Donald...New Hamshire Stud and Loverboy"....
Vladimir Putin
"The Boss".....
Lindsey Graham
"A strange mix of 'Southern Boy' and eclectic mood swings....a 'Confirmed Bachelor' afraid to show who he really is...cheerleader for the Neo-Cons but occasionally almost a 'Liberal Wuss'...staunch defender and supporter of Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh"...
Sean Hannity
"Right-wing commentator, bigot, anti-mmigrant extremist at FOX NEWS....carries a lot of water for Donald Trump"....
Rush Limbaugh
"Right-wing radio host, race baiter and hate-monger"....
Stephen Miller
"Self-loathing pitbull puppy pushing extremist anti-immigrant agenda despite being the grandson of penniless immigrants....aka 'The Putz-in-Chief'".....
Jeff Sessions
"Committed Rightwinger and White Nationalist from the Deep South...Anti-Civil Rights and Anti-Immigrant Extremist".....
Bill O'Reilly
"Early Backer and Promoter of Donald Trump...At one time, the Voice of FOX NEWS"....
Steve Mnuchin
"Trump's Treasury Secretary...ex-Goldman Sachs/ex-Hedge Fund/ex-Mortgage Foreclosure Super Predator Guy who made hundreds of millions of dollars evicting tens of thousands of ordinary working Americans from their homes during the 2008 Housing Crisis"....
Chris Christie
"Chairman Trump Transition Team until thrown under the bus by Jared Kushner....1st Major National Politician to endorse Donald Trump"....
Jared Kushner
"The Dark Prince".....
General Michael Flynn
"Head of Trump's National Security Council until thrown under the bus, extreme Islamaphobe, ex-emploee of Russia Govt Propaganda Bureau an indicted Felon"....
Ann Coulter
"Extreme bigot, vicious racist, virulent anti-immigrant supporter of Donald Trump...a regular on FOX NEWS spewing hate speech by the truckload".....
Roger Ailes
"The Evil Genius behind FOX NEWS, Sexual Predator and major Trump Supporter/Enabler"....
Rudy Giuliani
"Trump Campaign Surrogate, Senior Advisor, Lawyer/Media Guy....Loved leading the Trump Campaign Rally crowds in the 'Lock Her Up!' chant"......
Seb Gorka
"Trump's 'Pajama Boy #1'....Donald can't get enough of his aggressive media appearances and English accent...Son of Hungarian Fascist, an immigrant to the U.S. but an anti-immigrant extremist, tells anyone who will listen to address him as 'Herr Doktor Professor Gorka':...
General John Kelly
"An anti-immigrant bigot and racist at the center of the White House"....
Scott Pruitt
"Climate Change Denier, Rightwing opponent of Evironmental Protection put in charge of the charge of the Environmentaal Protection Agency...finally resigned in disgrace"....
John Bolton
"Trump's Head of National Security Council...Extreme Neo-Con Warhawk,,,Wants to bomb Iran and North Korea....Regime Change is 'Good'...Iraq War Two was 'even better' than Iraq War One"....
Michael Cohen
"Until recently Donald's Lawyer and 'Fixer'...Now 'flipped'"....
Paul Manafort
"Trump Campaign a convicted criminal".....
Milo Yiannopoulis
"Alt Right Agit-Prop lightwieght....loves to say 'politically incorrect' words in public places...needs attention 24/7".....
Paul Ryan
"Speaker of the House, the single most important person implementing Team Trump's Hard RIght Agenda, including removing millions of ordinary working people's access to health care"...
Donald Trump
"I will hire Great People...The Greatest....the Best People....All of them Winners....We will Make America Great Again".....
Hope Hicks
"Keeper of Donald's secrets...She left the White House with all of her private noteboks intact"....
Mitch McConnell
"He despise Donald....Yet uses Donald to push things through the Senate that have been on his Wish List for many years....Will be happy to put the knife in Donald's stomach when the time is right"....
Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
"Born on 3rd base, they both think they hit a triple...Entotled, spoiled, full of impunity and arrogance, intelligence that is dulled by a lifetime of privilege...the Silver Spoon still in their mouths from birth".
Sarah Huckabee
"A 'Christian Family Values' lady fronting for an aetheist adulterer who is driven by greed, envy, vanity and a complete disregard for the truth...How will she live with herself when it is all said and done"....
Wilbur Ross
"Predator Capitalist who made his fortune re-structuring bankrupt coal and steel a Cyprus bank known for laundering Russian Oligarch money"...
Rupert Murdoch
"Founder and Owner of the rapidly anti-immigrant and bigoted FOX NEWS, the cancer at the heart of US Political Life...Which laid the groundwork for the Rise of Trump...Ironically, he's an immigrant, as are his three wives and three of his children"....

Reince Priebus
"Ex-White House Chief of Staff".....

Andrew Pudzer
"Donald Trump's Ex-Secretary of Labor....The CEO of fast food/junk food Empire Carl's Jr./Hardee, made hundreds of millions of dollars employing 10,000's of unskilled non-union minimum wage workers, many of whom are either recent immigrants or illegal immigrants.....Famous for a series of Women as Sex Objects tv commercials featuring silicon heavy women in bikinis washing cars in slow motion.....Opposes unions, raising the minimum wage above 7.25 per hour as well as mandated sick leave, employee healthcare and vacation time....The "New" GOP, Friend of the White Working Man!"
"Former CEO of Exxon Corporation, close friend of Putin who awarded him Russia's Highest Civilian Honor, stands to gain hundreds of millions of dollars from oil/gas deals in Russia once US sanctions against Russia are lifted....Donald Trump's Ex-Secretary of State"....
"Veteran of the failed US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq...Donald Trump's Secretary of Defense"....
Trump Surrogate, Lawyer, Media Guy and Advisior".....
"Amiable right-wing doofus who was Governor of Texas for several terms as well as a miserably failed Presidential candidate with a tendency to drift off point in appointed Secretary of the Dept of Energy by Donald Trump".....